Chinese New Year Pork Floss Rolls Using Airfryer

January 26, 2015 3 Comments A+ a-

Buying pork floss rolls outside can be as expensive as S$14 for a small bottle. As I now have an air fryer, I wanted to do them myself. If S$6 was going to give me a huge bag of pork floss, I could easily make that into a huge bag of pork floss rolls myself!

Below are the steps using the airfryer. Enjoy!

Pork Floss Rolls Using Airfryer

pork floss (My MIL trusts Lim Chee Guan)
spring roll pastry (I would recommend Spring Home for its good texture)
egg wash (1 egg yolk + 1 tsp of water)
a little oil for brushing

1. Take the raw spring roll pastry skin out of the freezer. Do not thaw. Cut them into 4 pieces.

2. Put a little pork floss onto the small piece of skin and start rolling. First, fold in the left and right sides. Next, close it by rolling tightly from the base to the top.

3. Seal the sides with egg wash and brush with a thin layer of oil.

4.  Repeat for the rest of the rolls.

5. Preheat the airfryer at 160 degrees for 5 min.

6. Airfry the pork floss rolls at 160 degrees 10 minutes. Every 3 minutes, open and toss them using the back of a spoon so that they get fried evenly.

Tips: You can roll them up beforehand and store in the freezer for up to 2 months. Just make sure that you brush the (raw) rolls with oil before storing in an airtight container, so that they do not stick together. 

It's always great serving your CNY guests with fresh yummy spring pork floss rolls! Nice conversation starters and they make really nice thoughtful little gifts too :)
Bottle: From Daiso (2 for $2)

If you have tried this recipe too, share your photos with us on Facebook!
Instagram: @TheHedgehogKnows


Write comments
9 November 2015 at 11:38 delete

This is one of those dish where you don't feel like you're missing out on anything
because there are so many fab textures and flavours! :D
Curtis Billings

17 January 2016 at 12:18 delete

Can use oven instead?

21 January 2016 at 12:39 delete

I haven't tried that before, but no hard doing so - go for 180 degrees and probably 10 min. Let us know how it works out! :)
